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Koruth: Brown Pern Baby



Name: Koruth
Hex Color Code: #b99a70
Personality:Oh don’t be such a worry wart Koruth! Koruth has a habit of worrying over little things, making them bigger than they seem, especially diseases. Logically he knows things are not as bad as they seem, but emotionally he can’t help himself. Fortunately he doesn’t worry to the point of hyperventilating, but he may have trouble sleeping at night, constantly asking his rider for reassurance or to come check that itchy spot on his hide, or to make sure that cut on his leg isn’t infected with some horrible disease. He also has a bad habit of asking the healers unobvious questions, like what diseases or ailments could be causing certain symptoms, or what the current contagious ailment is in the infirmary. However, if you can get his mind off of his worries, and make him forget about it, then he’ll go back to being his normal, happy self.

Otherwise Koruth is a very happy Dragon, he loves to hold conversations with others, and though he’s reluctant to speak to other humans directly he doesn’t mind speaking to one person within a group a having them relay what he says to the others. He prefers if his rider does this, but he does understand that sometimes it is simply easier to communicate his thoughts directly. However, he does know the effect that a Dragon speaking to a non-rider can have, and if someone is uncomfortable with his mind-speech he will respect their wishes and avoid from communicating with them.

If it weren’t for his unfortunate vulnerability to worrying about everything Koruth would make a good leader. He’s even tempered, very perceptive, and he has a keen mind when it comes to strategizing. He does, however, make a good adviser, and he would make a good Wingleader. If, however, he were to ever become a Weyrleader he would have to learn how to control his worrying to a degree that it would not interfere with his daily life, yet at the same time he would have to learn how to use his worrisome impulses to warn him of true danger or hazardous situations. He would be a loyal mate to whatever gold he caught, supporting her in her decisions but also knowing when to challenge them. He is proud being a brown, and will let anyone who challenges that know.

Why Me: Koruth needs someone who can help soothe him during one of his worrying spells, but also remind him that it is simply him worrying without making him feel like he’s being accused of everything being in his head. He would benefit someone who has a “Bronze ego” as he would bring them back to earth and make them realize that being brown can sometimes be better than being bronze.
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415x513px 195.94 KB
© 2012 - 2024 SelenaRH
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dagger1's avatar
I'm on a perm forum rp site and my character is going to stand at a hatching soon(hopefully) if she impresses would it be a option to commission anything like this from you?